I used to count down the days till Friday came...you know, back when I was working! Now that Dewayne and I are both home all day, every day, Friday is just another day! My boys love Friday's though, so for them I am excited :o) Also there are two great blog hops on Friday's that I participate in, the first one is Friday Follow.
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Friday Follow is a great way to find new and exciting blogs and also it is a great way for people to find your blog. As of right now there are 600+ people participating in this blog hop, that's a lot of new blogs to read :o)
The fabulous ladies over at One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades come up with this awesome blog hop.
There is also another blog hop I just found called Follow me Friday. Click on the button above to join in the fun.
Hello everyone coming over from Friday Follow and Follow me Friday!! If you are a new Follower please leave me a comment so I can come check out your blog and follow you back :o)
The next blog hop the I love to participate in on Friday's is Five Question Friday. 5QF is created by the wonderful Mama M over at My Little Life. Click here or on the button above to visit her site and play along.
1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
Waaaay too much time!!!! I have never timed it and I never want to. I am not ready to admit that I have a problem, I am not addicted to this computer!!!
2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
I will not pay for their college. I was not raised with a lot of money and I would not have gotten my college paid for me. I was not one of those kids who had a car at 16 and all the coolest clothes. I was the kid who was responsible with my allowance (that I worked my butt off for) and used it on the things that really mattered to me. I moved out of my parents house at 18 and have never looked back.
I want my sons to be responsible and appreciate what they have in life. I believe that if you give your children everything they want and pay for everything, the kids will not appreciate it and will not take care of it. I don't want my sons to grow up and never leave my house. I don't want them to have a nice car, decent job but nothing else to show for it.
There were so many guys when I was growing up that had decent jobs, lived with Mom and Dad, had a NICE car....but were always broke and relying on Mom and Dad for everything. I don't want that to be my sons.
My boys know that when they turn 18 and graduate from High school they have to either get a job and move out or they can live with me if they go to college and have good grades. I am not paying for their college, I would help out if they are doing really well in school and they needed a little bit of help but I am not paying for it all! I think people that get things handed to them don´t appreciate things like someone who has to work for what they get.
3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Never anything serious, thank God!!!
4. What is your favorite book?
Suzanne's diary to Nicholas by James Patterson. If you have not read this book....you need to!!!! It is so good. The most beautiful love story ever!!!
5. Do you make your bed everyday?
I try to yes!! I didn't used to back in the day, now I love to come into my room and the bed is pretty and made up.
That was fun :o) Again just click on the buttons above to play along with either blog hop.
Welcome Friday Followers :o) I look forward to getting to know you!!
Yes I spend way too much time on a computer as well.
I love the look of my bed all pretty as well. It doesn't happen every day, but 98% of time.
Hi from FF!
What a beautiful family you have... !
new follower and thanks for sharing this great meme
I totally agree on the responsible kid thing, I think it's important to start young with them and showing them the value of a dollar!
Have a good weekend girl!
I agree with #1....is there a blogoholics anonymous out there?
Great answers! Love to read your answers, as always! I am trying to limit my time on the computer lately...it's not working out too well!
I have never participated in Follow Friday. I may have to check it out.
Yay for a new book to read! I have never read or even heard of that book by James Patterson. I am always looking for something new to read.
Hello there, coming over from Friday Follow.
We are your new follower.
Visiting from "All About Toys"
Thanks for following! Following you back! Love meeting fellow moms of boys! They always understand where I'm coming from!!! Can't wait to read more of your blog!!!
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