Friday, March 26, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

It is 11 something at night and I am doing 5QF early since Mama M now posts the questions the night before...I think I like that :o)

If you want to play along just click on the button above.

Here are this weeks questions....

1. Did you pass your driver's test on the first try?

Ummmm, NO!!! I passed it on the third try...yeah you read that right, 3rd try!!! You see, my parents had this mini van that I learned to drive and the reverse didn't work too well so when I went to take my test the first two times I had my friends car and she had a huge spoiler and I was too afraid to back up properly when parallel parking because I couldn't see past the spoiler that the mean man failed me!!!

The third time I had bought my own car and I passed with flying colors!

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?

I dunno! Maybe telling you all that it took me three tries to pass my driving test after having had a learners permit for over a year!! Yeah, over a year!!

Hey look what I just accidentally learned on my keyboard


Yup, it's upside down exclamation marks!!! I love them!

Maybe this was kinda an embarrassing moment! I'm kind of a dork and I don't know if you have gotten that yet reading my blog :o)

3. What TV show would you like to be on- Oprah, Biggest Loser, or What Not to Wear?

BIGGEST LOSER!!!! I have thought about gaining weight just to go on the show!!! Okay, I wouldn't gain the weight just to get on the show but, I WANT TO GO ON THE SHOW!!!

They had try outs here in Chicago a few weeks ago and I really wanted to go...I just don't think they would take an average overweight person anymore after they have had such big contestants. Not that there is anything wrong with big contestants :o)

4. Would you ever get plastic surgery and what kind?

Yep!! Are you kidding me...if I had the money I would have a lot of work done. I would have a boob job. I just want a fill, having kids kinda deflated my balloons.

I would have a tummy tuck, having kids kinda made my stomach flabby!

I would have butt implants, not having a butt sucks!!! No, my having kids had nothing to do with my booty! I have never had one and have always wanted a bubble butt :o)

5. What are your favorite jeans to wear?

I have a few favorites. I used to love Mudd when I was younger and still do but at the moment I have none. I like Vigoss and I like South Pole jeans too.

Well this sure was fun. How bout you go on and play along too :o)


Dimes2Vines said...

1. yes 2. not sure 3. what not to wear 4.yes, face lift/boob job :) when I'm not nursing I'm not there:) 5. chadwicks - the have contol/shaping spandex! Sounds as if I'm vain !!!
I'm stopping by to say Hi from FF - have a great week!

Erin said...

I forgot about a tummy tuck! Now I'm going to have to go back and change my answer. J/K! I'd share my bubble butt with you if I could I've always wished it was a bit less bubbly.

Stacey said...

Definitely a tummy tuck! I don't have a butt either, but I think it would be kinda weird to get butt implants.

Murdock's mama said...

I tagged you! on my blog...check it out! :)

One Savvy Mom! said...

HI :-)
New follower here from Friday Follow!
Drop by
New followers appreciated :-)

Robyn Campbell said...

I'm Friday following you. Happy weekend. =)

Anonymous said...

1. yes. 2. Still waiting, lol. 3. no 4. no. 5. Levis. I'm your newest follower from FF. Can't wait to read more, stop by my blog sometime! Happy FF!


Pennie said...

How in the world do you make upside down exclamation marks????

I like your embarrassing story! ;) Fun answers - these were good questions this time, hey?

I'm too tired to play along, but it sure is fun to read everyone else's answers!

Have a great weekend!

Krissy @ ArtsyMom said...

LOL! I passed mine on the second try... who knew rolling past a stop sign was considered not stopping. :p

Following from Friday Follow!! I hope you follow us back. :) We have a friday follow giveaway going on.

Laura said...

I so want to go on Biggest Loser too! And I also want a lift, seriously after nursing babies we moms deserve it! :)

Micael said...

Happy Friday Follow! I'm one of your newest followers! Hope you'll stop by my blog next!

Micael :)

Dagbok Huldar said...

Eg aetla ad profa thetta Five Question Friday a minu bloggi. :)

Takk fyrir gott spjall. Heyrumst fljotlega aftur.


Coretan sayang said...

Latsyrc728 said...

I am following you from Friday Follow (I'm not late...just early for next week) : ) Please visit me when you get a chance and follow back

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...

"Maybe this was kinda an embarrassing moment! I'm kind of a dork and I don't know if you have gotten that yet reading my blog :o)"

what blog ? :-)

Happy Easter !
