Friday, March 19, 2010

5 Question Friday and Friday Follow

Friday Follow

If you are coming over from Friday Follow....welcome. Please leave me a comment if you decide to follow me so I can come visit your blog and follow you back :o)

My Little Life

It's time for Five Question Friday. A blog hop created by Mama M over at My Little Life. If you want to play along just click on the button above or right here. Have fun!!!

1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting?

No, but I have met Michael Jordan's father-in-law. I love MJ and meeting his father-in-law was enough to make me giggle like a little school girl.

2. What temperature do you keep your house?

About 72 degrees. I do not like it any hotter than that.

3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes?

No, I don't pay attention to things like that.

4. What's the worst job you ever had?

I was a hostess at a restaurant and only made $2.83 an hour and we were supposed to walk out with 10% of what the servers made. I never walked out with more than $15 for a 10-12 hour shift. I was ripped off in every way possible.

5. What is your most sentimental possession?

Probably my scrapbooking stuff. I love it and don't want to live without it :o)


I am Harriet said...

Hi Helga.
I've met MJ :)

I'm stopping by from Friday Follow to say hello.

Have a great Friday!

Janette P. said...

Your Etsy shop is cute! Found you through Follow Friday!

Pennie said...

Oooo - we could go scrapbooking somewhere sometime! Somewhere half-way. We'll have to figure it out some time. Wouldn't that be fun????

Laura said...

Meeting MJs dad is super cool! :)