Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting to know you on Easter Sunday

First off let me start by saying Happy Easter everyone!!! I hope you all had a wonderful day with your family and friends! We have had a great day so far. We went to church with Dewayne this morning and go to see him drumming to all the songs he has been practicing to lately. After the 4 hours it took at church we went to Dewayne's Grandmothers house and had Easter dinner. Then we headed home to let the boys open their Easter baskets and eat their fill of candy.

Now being that it is Sunday, it is time for Getting to Know YOU. Keely over at Mann Land 5 created this great blog hop that I love to play along to. Click here if you want to play along too.

1. Showers or baths?

When I am getting ready to go it is shower all the way. At night I love to take baths!! Getting into a steaming hot bath with a good book with lit candles all over the bathroom....priceless!!!

2. Do you have any crazy urges?

I don't really know what Keely means by this question so I am just going to answer it the best I can :o)

It just started thundering out and I have a crazy urge to get under the blankets in my bed and watch the storm with the boys cuddled all around me.....I don't think that's crazy in anyway though LOL!

3. What is one thing we don't know about you?

I think you all know too much about me at times...bra size, what kinda panties I wear, mothers maiden name, city of birth, my debit card password, etc.

I have forgotten to mention one thing....

My blood type is O+ and I am an organ donor and I feel very passionately about making sure that everything that can be donated on/in my body is donated when I die.

4. it or hate it?

I hate to exercise but I love how good I feel after I am done!!! I need to exercise or I am going to become round soon!

5. Do you think you have a good body image?

Right now I am really unhappy with my body....I have gained a lot of weight since I moved here to Illinois 2 months ago and I need to start working out NOW!!! When I get to Iceland I am going to kick it into high gear and get Hot again :o)

6. Flour or corn tortillas?


7. How do you celebrate Easter?

See my first paragraph for the answer to this question :o)

8. Hard boiled Easter eggs or plastic eggs?

Plastic eggs...all the way!!! I have never done the hard boiled eggs and I have to say....they seem like a lot of work for one day! Besides, does anyone eat the hard boiled eggs or are they just thrown away???


veterankindergartenteacher said...

Happy Easter Helga!

I found you through Friday Follow and am following you now. Sorry to be so late but I had company. I hope you follow me back.


Ameríkufari segir fréttir said...

Hæ Helga-ég veit að þú ert að fara heim en mér datt í hug hvort þú vildir fá þér kaffi með mér svona áður en þú ferð?Hoppa upp í Metra,sitja þar í klukkutíma,drekka kaffi með mér í 2 og svo heim? ;) Ég lofa að það verður gaman og strákarnir okkar geta leikið sér saman....láttu mig vita hvað þér finnst því ég skynja að þú hefðir gott af því að fá smá íslenskt spjall um allt og ekkert:)Kv.Svanfríður.

Pennie said...

Hi, Helga! Glad you had a great Easter. No, nobody DOES eat the hard boiled eggs lol. Not in our family, anyhow. When I was growing up, we did. My family doesn't, though - so Bridgette only dyed Easter eggs once in her life - a huge deal to my mom, because I did every year of my life growing up (I have the most awesome mom who did everything with us 5 kids).