Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Toot your horn Tuesday time again!!!

Well it is that time again....Toot your Horn Tuesday!!!  After reading my post go on over to Silly Little Sparrow (by clicking on the button above) to read her post as well as everyone elses.  

So I went to the gym 3 days last week and so far this week I have worked out 3 days as well.  I walked a mile on Sunday and walked about a mile and a half yesterday because the gym was closed due to the holiday.  

I went out to a bars Grand Opening on Friday (I never go out) and I left the house with $25 and came home with $25!!!  I had my drinks bought for me the whole night and didn't spend a dime :o)  I was pretty damn proud of that!!!

Also while at the bar I rode a mechanical bull.  Are you ready for the best part???  I held the record the whole night for riding it the longest...135 seconds!!  That was my first time ever riding a mechanical bull and I did damn good.  Everyone was trying to beat my record riding the bull but no one could, not even the guys that were there :o)  Lol I was so excited about that part.

I took the boys to The Strawberry festival on Saturday all by myself with no stroller for Kobe (that was hard and tiring) and we spent about 3 hours there in the scorching sun.  We picked strawberries and everyone was talking about how cute Kobe looked covered in strawberries from head to toe.  I took pics on Dewayne's cell phone and I need to post them on here cause the boys looked so cute out there.  I also let the big boys get fake tattoos and they were so excited.  After the strawberry festival we went to Toys R Us so Markus could get his PSP for his birthday money he got.  

All in all it was a great weekend and I was pretty happy with it.  The boys were not too happy with me for not taking them to the pool but the weather was not warm enough on Sunday and Monday to go.  It was cloudy and rained off and on the whole time.  This coming up weekend we will go to the pool.  My kids are like fish when it comes to water....they just want to be in it and they are excellent swimmers!!!  

Ok well that is enough of tooting my own horn.  How about you play along and let us hear about how great you are!!!!

Have a great Tuesday everyone :o)

1 comment:

Leah said...

You know I live in VaBch too. Haven't been to the Strawberry Festival in a couple of years, but it's always nice! Sounds like you had a great weekend. Bull riding?!! That's so cool! =)Thanks for playing Toot Your Horn Tuesday!