Monday, January 12, 2009

What a bad couple of days.....

So first of all let me tell you about the phone call I got this morning....

Dewayne called to tell me that the orders we picked no longer apply.  He had to put in an extension to stay in the military because next year he has to reenlist.  Well the extension has not gone through so we have to pick orders again next month and this months orders that we picked are no longer any good.  WTF I am so disappointed, I was looking forward to knowing our future in the next month and now I have to wait two months before I know anything.  That means I only have 5 months or less to prepare for a move!!!!  Oh well God is definitely testing my patients with these orders.

So on to the next thing that happened this weekend.

The boys had their friends stay the night on Friday and they were all laying on the couch watching Dark Knight.  Well the boys started falling asleep on the couch so I told them they could just sleep there that night (my boys love sleeping on the couch).  Well I woke up to some noise down stairs at 5:30 am and told the boys to go to sleep.  Well then I get out of bed on Saturday morning and go down stairs to start my day and I turned the TV on so Kobe could watch some cartoons.  The TV had a huge crack in the screen and the screen was all kinds of different colors.  We called the boys into the living room and asked them what happened and they said they were playing the Wii and Tyrique accidentally threw the remote at the TV!!!  Holy shit my TV is ruined because of that damn Wii!!!  So now I have to call the insurance company and claim the TV and we have to pay a $250 deductible to get a new one.  I am so glad I have insurance but I am so pissed that my TV is ruined.  Tyrique is not in any trouble for breaking the TV because we know it was just an accident but he is in trouble for not telling us that he broke the TV.  He said he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to wake up in a bad mood.  Poor thing he feels so bad about the TV and I know that it is really bothering him.  He keeps talking about it and I told him that we understand that it was an accident and we are not blaming him for it.  

Yeah so that is the run down of what has been going on here.  Oh I forgot to mention that I did get an e-mail on Saturday from one of my daycare parents giving me her child's 2 week notice.  It is because he is always sick and she is mad because I will not watch him when he is sick and she can not understand that.  He had the stomach flu before Christmas and she brought him here sick and he got my kids sick.  Now last week she brought him here and again he had the stomach flu and I told her he could not come back until he was over the stomach flu and she had to find someone else to watch him.  I can not put all the other children and their families at risk just because she doesn't want to miss a day from work.  She told me in her e-mail that she was giving me her notice because she found someone that lives closer to her house and she is going to get a new job closer to her house cause the driving back and forth is too much for her.  Why couldn't she just be honest with me??  I know why she is giving me her notice and I just feel bad for her child because it took him such a long time adjusting to daycare and now she is putting him in his 3rd daycare in 7 months!!!  

Ok enough rambling for today.  Hope you all have a great Monday!!!

1 comment:

Dagbok Huldar said...

aei aei....thad koma svona dagar en svo lida their hja.
Hringdu i mig ef thig langar adeins ad komast ut ur husi tho ad thad vaeri ekki nema a kaffihus eda i bio.