Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

So I suck at writing lately and I apologize.  I get really caught up in other peoples blogs and I read all kinds of different blogs and think to myself that I need to be better at writing and then I continue to suck at it!!!!  WTF???  Ok well I am going to try to write more often if even just to write a sentence or two.

Today the boys are going to the Dentist and Markus is so excited he can't wait.  They are going to Kool smiles which is a dentist office for kids.  They have lots of toys and TVs and fun activities for the kids to do.  All three of the boys have appointments and I think we will be going back for the older two quite a bit.  I am sure there are some cavities in those teeth.  Oh well you live and you learn right?  Maybe this will get the boys to brush their teeth three times a day like they are supposed to do.  I just want them to at least brush their teeth twice a day, that would make me happy.  Well here's to hoping for the best for my little munchkins.  

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