Kobe started walking today!!! We are so excited he is walking all over the house now and he is doing so good. 11 days after his 1st birthday he starts walking :0)
Kobe was standing holding onto the laundry basket and all of a sudden he let go and started walking.
He was so excited and he did so good. He walked about 10 steps or so and then fell on his butt and started clapping.
In this last picture he was showing Daddy when he came home from work what a big boy he is. It was so cute!!
krúttið ég dýrka hann dúllarassgatarófa. Ég trúi ekki það er eins og í gær fæddist hann en samt er hann eins árs!
Hann er algjör krútt! hann er svo ánægður með sig að hann klappar og svo ef við klöppum ekki fer hann af því að láta okkur vita ,,Nei þið klöppuðu ekki" en bara ekki með því að tala! Hann er algjör krútt!
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